The Competitiveness Of The Fiber Optic Cable Industry Needs To Be Improved

On March 21st, it was reported that although there has been significant development in China’s fiber optic cable skills in recent years, and some skills with independent intellectual property rights are already playing a role, it should be noted that this proportion is still very small. There are nearly 200 fiber optic cable factories in China, but most of them have single products, no independent intellectual property rights, low skill content, and weak competitiveness. At the “2011 China Optics Network Urban Development Strategy High Level Forum” held on March 1st, “At the end of the 12th Five Year Plan, we hope to achieve full coverage of optical fiber for households and government and enterprise users in southern urban areas, with the number of optical fiber access ports and terminals exceeding 100 million, and achieve the world’s number one optical fiber access development goal.” Zhang Jiping, Deputy General Manager of China Telecom, pointed out.

1. Actively innovate and develop new patents with independent intellectual property rights

As the world’s second largest fiber optic cable country, we should prioritize the development of skills with independent intellectual property rights and strive to create more fiber optic cable patents. “The production cost of fiber optic cables has increased, and sales revenue has significantly decreased. Regarding the current situation of the important fiber optic cable field in broadband construction, Wang Yingming, Chief Engineer of Hengguang Optoelectronics Co., Ltd., said that the pressure for RMB appreciation is increasing, the situation in the Middle East is fluctuating, oil prices are rising, the cost of fiber optic cable materials is significantly increasing, and the price of imported fiber optic cables from abroad is low. All of these have made the competition in the fiber optic cable market increasingly fierce.”. With the deepening development of the construction of optical network cities, the fiber optic cable industry will continue to expand. Although Wang Yingming is very optimistic about the promotion of the fiber optic cable industry by optical network cities, he pointed out that in order to make China a strong country in fiber optic cable production, it is necessary to use the power of communication industry associations to do a good job in the production of fiber optic cable manufacturers, and to promote the better development of the optical network.

As telecommunications networks continue to develop, new requirements are also constantly being put forward for optical cable products. It is not difficult to notice that the structure of optical cables is increasingly dependent on the environmental conditions used and the specific requirements of construction. In the development of submarine optical cables, shallow water optical cables, ADSS and OPGW optical cables, one will have a profound understanding of this. In the future, the focus of fiber optic cable construction will continue to expand with the construction of access networks and user grounding networks. The new generation of fiber optic cable structures and construction skills will also be based on a complete set of skills such as micro fiber optic cables, blowing in or floating installation, and mini micro tube or small tube systems, in order to fully and flexibly utilize limited laying space. This also includes several new skill topics in fiber optic cable design, manufacturing processes, fiber optic cable materials, and construction and installation. Some countries or companies have gained some experience and are gradually forming new system skill patents. There are many users in our country, and the access network and user base network have many characteristics, which also have more requirements for access optical cables. This provides us with a good opportunity to research and innovate the structure of access networks and user base network optical cables. It should be said that most of our fiber optic cable skills are behind the latest foreign skills. Although we keep up with advanced skills, there is too little self innovation. In the future, we should put in some effort in this area and take our own path of innovation. Many optical cable products with Chinese characteristics are used in access networks and user home networks with Chinese characteristics.

2. Utilize existing equipment and skills

For copper cables that have already been laid, we can only try our best to use their features to open new digital services under existing conditions. The existing HYA cables, although capable of opening new services such as ADSL, have limited capacity. When the number of ADSLs increases to a certain limit, interference issues will still arise, and it will also affect previously opened services. Therefore, for the newly laid copper cables, we hope to propose some new broadband indicators to prepare for the opening of more and better new services in the future. Existing local cable manufacturers should conduct in-depth research on their own production processes, carefully design and manufacture them without (or with minimal) changes to production equipment, elevate the skill level of existing cables to a higher level, and provide wider frequency band cables to provide high-quality channels for more and better digital new business development.

3. Construction and maintenance essentials for improving optical fiber cables

At present, in order to adapt to the characteristics of urban construction, there is an international emphasis on the construction of optical and electrical cables without trenching. Small or micro trench techniques are used to install optical cables, and automatic detection is performed on the optical cable network to ensure uninterrupted communication maintenance. Correspondingly, it is necessary to develop corresponding components, tools, and equipment, and make some improvements in the system to adapt to it. ITU attaches great importance to NH’s development of immersion sensors for optical cables, fiber selectors for automatic testing of optical fibers, as well as the 1-second alarm and 3-minute positioning indicators proposed by the United States and the comprehensive monitoring of fiber core and sheath indicators proposed by Italy. In the contemporary optical network, these methods have played a significant role. It can be seen from this that in order to ensure the reliability of the optical cable network, it is imperative to reduce costs, save labor, and time in construction and maintenance, gradually promote new construction methods, gradually improve the automatic monitoring and maintenance system of the optical cable network, and improve the uninterrupted maintenance level of the optical cable network.

4. The current development of the telecommunications market promotes the development of the fiber optic cable and communication cable industries

The market trend of fiber optic cables and communication cables is closely related to the development of the entire telecommunications industry. It should be noted that after the rise of 3G network construction, with the expansion of fiber optic networks from backbone networks to access networks, urban area networks, and the continuous extension to user resident networks, the market for fiber optic cables and broadband digital cables will inevitably grow. The world fiber optic market will begin to experience significant growth.

It should be noted that the information and communication industry is a vibrant and thriving sunrise industry. The network economy has strong vitality, and the development of information and network skills remains the main driving force for social progress. Information networking is still a powerful trend in today’s world economy and social development. Therefore, we should establish confidence and seize opportunities under favorable conditions such as global economic improvement, recovery of the communication market, and development of western China, to promote greater progress in the skills and industry of fiber optic cables and communication cables.

The western region is a complex and widely distributed region with relatively backward communication. In the great development of the economy, communication must take the lead, and advanced products of fiber optic cables and communication cables that are suitable for it are needed to meet the needs of development. Therefore, products that meet the conditions will find a good market here. The Qinghai Tibet DC interconnection project and other large-scale projects also require a large number of high-quality ADSS, OPGW and other types of optical cables and various types of cables to match. Therefore, various skills, products, and achievements of fiber optic cables and communication cables will be utilized in the construction of the western power grid. At the same time, the modernization of the western region has posed many new challenges to our products. While developing the western region, the fiber optic cable and cable industry will also have better opportunities for transformation and innovation, promoting the improvement and development of their own skills.

(refer to:C114)

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